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PREVAILING WAGE is the wage set for workers on publicly funded construction projects. PREVAILING WAGE creates value by providing good wages for workers, stability for public contractors, and safe buildings for our citizens. Protecting prevailing wage laws on public projects are essential for safe communities and strong families.
PLAs ensure a level playing field for both union and non-union contractors, which guarantees a steady flow of highly trained construction labor. PLAs provide better trained workers, so the job is done right the first time, which is more cost effective.
RESPONSIBLE CONTRACTOR ORDINANCES are not exclusively “Union” or “Non-Union.” RESPONSIBLE CONTRACTOR ORDINANCES assure the taxpayers of the municipality that qualified contractors will be bidding on local work. Anyone can bid, providing they meet the RCO’s requirements.
WORKER MISCLASSIFICATION is a nationwide problem that has a negative impact on Pennsylvania and Delaware’s economy, as well as on workers’ compensation and unemployment compensation funds. WORKER MISCLASSIFICATION occurs when contractors treat certain employees as independent contractors. This is done to reduce payroll and to exploit unregistered and/or unqualified workers.
North America, including the United States and Canada, is currently in the middle of an energy revolution. With increased production of renewable energy and clean energy sources such as natural gas, the U.S. is slated to be a major producer of energy sources for years to come. As Pennsylvania takes part in the changes and transitions happening in the energy infrastructure, much of the debate about the future of energy production and delivery revolves around the efficacy of fracking and the transmission of natural gas through pipelines.
NORTH AMERICA'S BUILDING TRADES UNIONS association advocates in Congress on behalf of union members across the country. Here are some of these important issues.

Page Last Updated: Apr 25, 2024 (14:01:00)
IUOE Local 542
1375 Virginia Drive
Ft Washington, PA 19034
  (215) 542-7500

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