Message from the Local 542 Political Action Committee
IUOE Local 542 has been a political force in elections in Pennsylvania and Delaware for many years. We support Democratic and Republican candidates, but only if they support our members. As a result, Local 542 is leading the efforts to pass laws that positively impact the jobs and lives of our members.
The Local 542 Political Action Committee is YOUR voice to advocate for laws that help you and your family. Local 542 PAC can give you all the information you need to educate your elected officials on key issues. Local 542 PAC can also identify elected officials who oppose your interests and tell you how they have voted.
2024 is a critical election year with candidates for President, US Senate, US Congress, State Representatives and Senators - from both political parties - who want your support.
Have a question about a candidate’s position on issues that matter to you and your family? Ask Local 542 PAC for the TRUTH (use the "Join Our PAC" button below or ask your Business Agent or a PAC member). Make an INFORMED decision. Don’t fall for conspiracy theories and lies.
Follow your Union’s recommendations and VOTE YOUR WALLET!
JOIN the Local 542 PAC and get more information YOU can use to make your voice, and your Union’s voice, even stronger.